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  • in reply to: EHT TOMMORROW #42136

    Yes, the March 17th races are cancelled. The races will be made up at later dates yet to be determined.

    in reply to: nj news from tenn ?? #36940

    I almost forgot, how I could forget this guy just boggles me!!!

    Frank Klemecki made his mains both days transferring through Semi’s!!!!!!

    sorry for missing ya on the previous post Frank 😳

    ps: Thanks to Andy (Chip-n-Dale) for having ALL the parts I needed throughout the weekend! His “compound” looked full everytime I walked by!! And his prices, as usual, were the best available!!

    in reply to: nj news from tenn ?? #36937

    Sorry for not being able to post during the weekend, didn’t have internet capability. I wasn’t able to get all the finishes but, I was able to get names of NJ rider and some of thier outcomes. You’ve already heard of a few results, here are some more:

    Brandon Perez (12n) was kicking butt, everytime I heard his name, he was in front of the pack

    The Krause’s did very well all weekend making thier mains and finishing well.

    Anthony Fienstien (6r) made the main on Sat also finishing well

    Garrett had heavy comp., didn’t make his mains, but Dad (me) was VERY proud of him, because he put forth the best effort I’ve seen from him! 😀

    I made all my mains, crashing here and there, and have realized you can’t put the bike in the garage for a month and a half prior to a national and expect to do well 😕 !!!! Must start training again 😡 ! 2-4-4-5-7 place finishes for me

    Other names I saw on the sheets with NJ behind thier names but was not able to keep track:

    Brian Farro 13n
    Zach McLaughlin 12x
    Ryan Cohen 10n
    Mathew Cranmer 9x
    Kyle Mehr 8n

    Sorry I couldn’t give you guys a rundown like those of Caveman or Crazy Craig, but, I promise I’ll try harder next time!!! 😳

    By the way, they should rename that the “Dust Bowl” National!!!! There were people walking around with masks on because the dust was so bad. Our kids got dirtier inside that place than they would’ve if it were outdoors!!!!

    in reply to: Tennesse National #36641

    I’m leaving first thing in the morning. I’ll try to keep tabs on any of the NJ riders and give a report to everyone when I get back. Hopefully we’ll bring back some “hardware” with us!

    in reply to: Picture time #36639

    Did Minney Mouse shave her…… I mean his legs back then too???? 😯

    in reply to: CJBMX "Get Into BMX" DVD #36323

    what the exact problem is, and what kind of dvd player and tv you are using?

    Oh sure, blame the DVD player and the TV’s………… 😆 :wink:!

    in reply to: Stop hiding……… #36048

    Otherwise the death rate in Jersey would sky rocket………

    This would cause the prisons to fill up worse than they are now……. then we have to revert back to #4! 😆 😆 j.k. Craig!

    in reply to: Stop hiding……… #35939

    #4 has the potential to be Craig’s version alright! 😆

    in reply to: eht question #35713

    Sorry for not posting in a few days… been away from home and a computer. Yes, the track is going to be changed during the off season. No, the track will not be changed before the Vet day race. Les wanted to change a few straightaways before the Vet race but, after a few talks with myself and Rich F., we thought it might not be a good idea, just incase we got bad weather during the rebuild and really screwed things up for the “big” race. We are currently looking at the first week / weekend of December for redoing the track. We are concentrating on the first staight, moving the first turn back about 5 -10 feet and extending it almost to touch the third turn, redoing the second straight and redoing the rythym section. Depending on the time, machinery, and help we have, will determine what extent of all that gets completed. The turns that get changed will probably not get asphalted until the spring. We need to let the dirt settle so it won’t be bumpy halfway through next season.

    Myself, Les and everyone else involved really appreciate all the offers for help and all the concern for the track. We are doing what we can at this point. I understand everyone wants to know when we are working on the track and why we don’t set dates and times.. Les and I both work crazy schedules (i.e.: changing shift work and 24hr shifts), and most of the days that we get out to the track are mid week in the morning to late afternoon. We both know most people can’t make it to the track nor do we expect people to show at those times. We have also gotten too many of the “I’ll be there, count on me” comments and of course…. No one shows up, which is fine, things happen, schedules change and most importantly… FAMILIES COME FIRST! We understand all of this, after all, we are parents also.

    What has been happening to the track lately, believe it or not, is nothing new. It’s just that with this forum, as well as the others, word travels farther, faster and reaches way more people that get their interests’ sparked. We will get through this, just like the track got through the same problems with vandelism when I started racing there back in 1979 (no, I wasn’t the one breaking things!!) and all the time in between then and now. I will do my best to keep everyone informed. I will be at the track sometime tomorrow to see what needs to be done. After I talk to Les, we’ll come up with a time to fix stuff and I’ll let everyone know who wants to know.

    Thanks for the support and care,

    Chris V.

    in reply to: @$#% *&@#%&!!!!!!!!! #35664

    i went to egg harbor today during lunch to get some pump laps in– and don’t ya know some a$$holes knocked the starter’s tower down. Bastards!!!!

    s4lnj, are you kidding or did this really happen ❓ I didn’t get to the track the last 2 days. If this is the case, yes, we will need help! Les, myself and all the other vollies are getting sick, absolutely SICK of fixing all this sh*t!!!! We just replaced over 30+ ft of fence around the place as well as the announcing tower x2. I guess we “bulletproofed” the tower and fences enough that they decided to go for something else instead. GO FIGURE!!! We were planning on changing the track this winter, but if this keeps up, we won’t have TIME to do that due to fixing all this kind of stuff!!!! This is just getting OUT OF HAND!!!!!

    Stay tuned for more info after I get with Les and figure out what we’re going to do….

    Chris V

    in reply to: Camp Woodward and Greg Hill Speed Seminars #35636

    Is Greg talking about Woodward East or Woodward West?

    GOOD QUESTION! I was just assuming the East Coast one. That would make a HUGE difference!

    in reply to: Camp Woodward and Greg Hill Speed Seminars #35624

    I would definately make time to go. And in a few years when the kid has alittle bigger attention span, he’d be going too!

    in reply to: Did you…….. #35509

    Just keep one thing in mind: Put your goals in concrete but your plans in sand. Sometimes the plan might need to change along the way but keep focused on the goal. But, even then, there will be opportunities to set new goals along the way (in additiona to your original ones). Stay flexible.

    Dr Craig, we don’t have to pay you a fee for this therapy session do we?? 😆 jk

    in reply to: East Coast National ABA in Delaware. #35052

    When is it?

    in reply to: eht vandalized again? #34784

    The debate between locals and out-of-towners…. it’s probably locals…. but, local racers and local riders…… i doubt the racers. If you cut the wires to the gate lights, you pretty much know, you’re not going to race on the next race day, do to cancelation….. however, a non racer wouldn’t care one way or the other. As far as knowing who did it and not saying anything about it…. do you think Les and the other volunteers, myself included, that come out and fix the vandelized track really enjoy coming back again and again to redo everything….. NO. There is NO concrete proof… other then speculation and hearsay……. and you can’t prosecute on that alone. Do people know who is probably doing it, I’m betting yes, but someone has to step up and come forward with good evidence, and they can’t really get in trouble unless they’re caught in the act, or as in the past, admit it… good luck on that one again.
    You can’t close a public recreation park, the local police have been asked to step up thier patrols multiple times, but if these vandals are remotely smart they scatter as soon as they show up. As far as surveilance….. where’s the money for that gonna come from? not to mention who ever is tearing everything up, already loves to cut wires. The only good thing that came out of the gate light problem is, whoever cut the 120 line gave themselves a hell of a shock by the looks of it!
    The bigger problem is this…. if more reports come in to the township about vandals and the like, it’ll only look bad for the track….. yes the track…. which, in the townships eyes, is only a pile of dirt in the way of two more hockey rinks or one more baseball field!! Don’t believe me, ask around to anyone not connected to the track.

    I do like the sign idea, I’ll see if I can come up with something.

    Bottom line, if we knew who was doing it and had proof that would hold up, the complaint would be filed. If you’re out at the track and see someone doing something that you know is wrong, use a cell and report it. Don’t try and take matters into your own hands, we don’t need people that are helping out the track getting locked up, we need wrong do’ers getting locked up or getting repremanded in some kind of way.

    This is not, in any way, an attack on ANYONE. I know i’ll catch some flack for this post but I had to vent.

    Chris V.

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