Homepage Forums NJ BMX Racing NJ Racing old Some rules are stupid and need to be broken in order…

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    are you implying that im out of date and cheesey?

    Now why would we think that. Btw Jim Nabors wants his clothes back.


    well gooolllyyy, Ant put the how to tell a joke book down and back away.


    oh, and btw – get it right not jim but burl ives


    Hell even I am not that old.


    See you sunday. I gotta go eat.


    Boys I didn’t read this whole thread, but what i did read, was the link Brtt put up to NJBMX.org. If I get it right, the clerk sounds like they are the ones in power, however, they are not!!!!! You guys pay entry fees without you they are not needed. Or

    As Norman Shartzkopft said during the first war “If you cut the head of the snake off, the body dies” Interpert how you may


    I didn’t know that he was in world war 1


    According to the bylaws the clerk is not a board member . The clerk is a appointed assistant by the board to assist the board and that’s it why is this person making decisions at all or even thinks they can make decisions. They are score keeper nothing more. Someone maybe needs to enlighten this person to what their true position is in this organization.


    The first GUlf war, sorry I wasn’t there in WWI, you should have been a teacher, always correcting. Hey do they even teach history anymore.


    those of you who know me know i am going to say whats on my mind..what you see is what you get. no bs. i really dont care who agrees with me or not. i have been involved in the sport ( as a parent volunteer) for over 11 yrs so that gives me the right to say my peace…

    ok as i am reading this and referring to the other post i see that some people are reading WAY too much into that post… it appears that 2 riders made a mistake by not informing the other rider in the moto that they would not be racing… the lone rider got screwed by not having anyone to race…he then posted a topic on it on the official njbmx site and the person in registration responded as to why it was combined the way it was, discussion ensueing after that…. i didnt see that the registration people were “acting as the lone person in charge” or whatever…i think you all need to chill out and stop jumping on the first person that offers an explaination you dont agree with…

    there are many faults in the system…the people in registration dont make the rules they just explained them to whomever asked the question.

    your anger would better be directed to the powers that be…the nbl. they made the race class/ race open for ams rule…( i am assuming)

    the direction this topic is going is not(in my opinion)contributing to the growth of njbmx. ( new ppl here every day) this is not little league and you all are reminding me of those overzealous soccer moms ( thats right the reason my son and many bmxers chose individual sports.

    i am starting to feel like i am listening to a 4th grade argument in gym class…”i was first..no i was here first”..yada yada.. it gets old…

    just my 2 cents, sorry.
    thats all i have to say on that.

    even though i am a parent( not a rider) and that according to some people this does not give me a right to an opinion on the subject…facts are parents fork over the $$ for their riders ( 75% of the rider population i think) so that does give us the right to voice an opinion.


    @bmxmom156 wrote:

    those of you who know me know i am going to say whats on my mind..what you see is what you get. no bs. i really dont care who agrees with me or not. i have been involved in the sport ( as a parent volunteer) for over 11 yrs so that gives me the right to say my peace…

    ok as i am reading this and referring to the other post i see that some people are reading WAY too much into that post… it appears that 2 riders made a mistake by not informing the other rider in the moto that they would not be racing… the lone rider got screwed by not having anyone to race…he then posted a topic on it on the official njbmx site and the person in registration responded as to why it was combined the way it was, discussion ensueing after that…. i didnt see that the registration people were “acting as the lone person in charge” or whatever…i think you all need to chill out and stop jumping on the first person that offers an explaination you dont agree with…

    there are many faults in the system…the people in registration dont make the rules they just explained them to whomever asked the question.

    your anger would better be directed to the powers that be…the nbl. they made the race class/ race open for ams rule…( i am assuming)

    the direction this topic is going is not(in my opinion)contributing to the growth of njbmx. ( new ppl here every day) this is not little league and you all are reminding me of those overzealous soccer moms ( thats right the reason my son and many bmxers chose individual sports.

    i am starting to feel like i am listening to a 4th grade argument in gym class…”i was first..no i was here first”..yada yada.. it gets old…

    just my 2 cents, sorry.
    thats all i have to say on that.

    even though i am a parent( not a rider) and that according to some people this does not give me a right to an opinion on the subject…facts are parents fork over the $$ for their riders ( 75% of the rider population i think) so that does give us the right to voice an opinion.

    Best post I read all morning!!!


    christ, i’m sorry i said anything– this is noones fault but the NBL– i’m not mad at the other two riders– one maid the main– the other was very close– i don’t blame them–

    i just wanna race– is that so wrong?



    i think so dave, haha..

    get ready for the bunnyhop contest.. there will be NO problems then fo sho


    no dave you are not wrong for bringing it up. i think ppl just took it the wrong way initially.

    i think everyone felt bad for you that you didnt have a real “race” thats all.


    as i get older i understand that i can’t expect everyone to break rules as readily as i may– that’s just not in some peoples nature


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