What did I say about Ron Stebbene….Without a doubt he was intensely responsbile for the growth of freestyle in the northeast in the early 80’s. (I’ll post a few links to some of his ‘zines, which include some NJ contests…remember we are all about NJ)
Well, it was the early winter of 1985 and there it was the Finals of the 85 Masters series in New Hampshire, we had just finished building our all metal 1/4 pipe with the HARO logo painted on it, (only 6′ wide!) and we volunteered to haul it up to the Masters. So….. me, Tom, Dan and the boys filled up a rental truck and high tailed to the great white north!
This was one intense contest! Every major name from freestyle was there. And the usual bad ass antics occurred in the host hotel. (Helmets into hotel walls anyone?) Well I got smoked in expert Flat and Ramps. Tom did a kick butt run in, I think he was riding novice… I’ll post a link here to one of his airs.
This contest was really a turning point in the northeast as the following year would see General bikes come into being, and the MSG contest. A long ride back to NJ and 1986 was right around the corner.