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    brain·wash·ing (brÄÂÂ￾n’wÃ…ÂÂ￾sh’Ä­ng, -wô’shÄ­ng)
    Intensive, forcible indoctrination, usually political or religious, aimed at destroying a person’s basic convictions and attitudes and replacing them with an alternative set of fixed beliefs.
    The application of a concentrated means of persuasion, such as an advertising campaign or repeated suggestion, in order to develop a specific belief or motivation.


    Systematic effort to destroy an individual’s former loyalties and beliefs and to substitute loyalty to a new ideology or power. It has been used by religious cults as well as by radical political groups. The techniques of brainwashing usually involve isolation from former associates and sources of information; an exacting regimen calling for absolute obedience and humility; strong social pressures and rewards for cooperation; physical and psychological punishments for noncooperation, including social ostracism and criticism, deprivation of food, sleep, and social contacts, bondage, and torture; and constant reinforcement. Its effects are sometimes reversed through deprogramming, which combines confrontation and intensive psychotherapy.

    If you are strong of mind and character, you can resist. If a situation arises where one must compromise their beliefs for the safety of another, i.e.: do as I say or he/she dies, then most strong willed individuals will obey while simutaneously contemplating a way to take out individual who made them compromise their beliefs.

    Most people are susceptible to brainwashing, corporations and advertisers rely heavily on it.


    it’s healthy,
    sugar free,
    and promotes individualism in an increasingly “follow the leader” world.

    BMX’s new tagline.
    “The king of all bicycle sports”

    Say it,
    believe it…

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