Homepage Forums Grassroots BMX Ideas, Innovations What are the best ideas from the ABA & NBL…

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    and what new ideas could be implemented that would surpass what the current bodies are doing for racing.


    ABA teamed up with the AMA and were handing out pamphlets and such at supercross races–

    pure brilliance– what were kids trying to simulate in the begining?–dirtbikes– apeal to them the same way now–

    all they need to do is start having some races between supercross motos– which could happen in jersey– either englishtown or atco– just need and in— maybe even at the bridgeport raceway (circle track cars) sawe that they were doing this in some other states on the infield


    In AZ we build a track at the state fair each year.. wanna talk about busting your ass.. We literally have 1 1/2 days to build an entire track in a horse arena… From flat dirt to full on BMX track in 30-36 hours. Then directly after that they bulldoze it so the next day they can have demo derby…That brought a huge crowd in of people who had never seen or even knew about BMX, We got alot of new riders that way.


    Tideys idea could be done at the NJ State Fair that occurs every year.
    Does anyone have inroads to that event?


    My thing with the ABA, hate the moto transfer system…sorry, I pay money I wanna race. (‘course I would probably be one of the last to transfer if I even did, ,lol)
    Combine the two ideas of the point systems.
    Small amount of moto points, big points in the main…I mean it only MAKES FREAKING SENSE!
    I know why it’s like that, moto moms and dads when thier kids do good in the motos and bag the mains, poof little johnny racer is bummed. Wierd, wierd rule implemented many years ago, time to change!
    If you are going to point motos then you should definately point SEMIS, I mean more points as you move along with more difficult riders is just intelligent.
    Does no one mention these ideas at major gatherings like CC in Nevada?


    Yeah I give them permits through the state, I can get the name of the guy in charge, this week


    Well, Bill…
    What do you think?
    A state series qualifier at a big nj event like that? do you think it would give us a boost…


    If this is to go down, we need to have an extremely talented, dedicated, and motivated group of individuals to make it happen. When we did it we honestly had about 100 workers with 3 backhoes and 3 bobcats and some great dirt.. I would love to see this happen. Would let North Jersey see about racing again.


    I don’t think a state qual would work ther, however, if you had a demo or invite race. Something like 24 riders, and qual them down to the best 8 MAYBE.


    This seriously sounds like a killer idea worth pursuing.

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