Homepage Forums Grassroots BMX Ideas, Innovations Put up or shut up.

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    It’s time for everyone to put their bodies where their mouths are.
    I’ve gotten a lot of heat from people over these past few years and some of it has been deflected onto people it shouldn’t have.
    But one thing I always believe in,
    if you say you don’t like something or you are gonna do something, try it or do it.

    If you want to see change, you can do it.
    I think we all proved that.

    But still from some people out there I hear, this should change or that, or this person should leave.
    Well then, put up.
    If someone says, I quit.
    Be the first in line to say, I’ll do it, because I believe in BMX.

    If you are afraid to do it alone, then get some friends to stand with you, like mine have.

    Now could everyone just go and be decent people and let me enjoy this fall season of 2007.

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