Homepage Forums Grassroots BMX Hyper Pro-Am Ideas Pro/Am warm up

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    like 15mins xtra track time, i just have this idea because of how many kids were stopping on jumps at some of the qualifiers and how many annocments i heard about them clearing the track for some of the faster riders i think it would just allow some of us pro/am riders a chance to not worry about that little kid next to you on a jump and pulling out idk just idea to get this thread going lol, plus if i think it would get more people into watching the pro/am race

    idk just a idea

    cause i know we all get that practice time in during the regular practice from like 9-12 and you’s might feel different


    This is something we can look into for next year


    i have to agree– there are times that practice can be more dangerous than the actual racing

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