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That’s not to say that people should be nervous about posting on a message board. If you feel you have been wronged you can let your opinion out…you just have to be prepared if people don’t agree with ya.

I mean if, let’s say you walked up to a tracks registration area and said you wanted to help and they were all, “what do you know about BMX?” with a tude, or you had something you wanted to do at the track and would be cool for the kids and someone at a track said something like, “why would you want to do that, they won’t appreciate it”, or if someone did something crazy like saying to people in line for registration, “anyone who is in line right now is past the cut off time and will be charged more”.
Well, those might be some examples of things that might be interesting to know about.

Extra races when a race is already scheduled is tough to rally a cause for, and saying a track needs work always requires you to show up and be shot down for helping before complaining.

I just don’t want people thinking they can’t come on here and voice their opinion.
Just my half cent.