Homepage Forums NJ BMX Racing used state trophys Reply To: state trophys


obviously the plates will be cheaper. Ive seent e prices for teams that have them made they take care of them very very well. especially a state when they are going to get what 5 or more times more then the team would. so theres no doubt in my mind that thats easily beeing takin care of. The bottom line is the state series is getting more and more expenseve to race and over the years the riders are getting less and less. look at some of the local tracks that have some of the fastest newbies out there but they dont do the state series. Why? becuase either the cost is to high. maybe the races are pourly schedueled. Or possibly look down south all they have is EHT. its alittle far to drive up north for the other two. You even said it the trophies are beeing made from past years trophies. that sounds alittle stupid. almost as stupid as eht advertising 3′ trophies every year for the veterans day race but i havent seen any of them since i started racing that race. So wheres the money going that would have been used for the trophies. and no the presidents cup is not a good enough reason. every year its been takin care of w/o problems like trophies and what not.