JC has long been a hot spot for BMX in NJ from the days of the ABA Winter Shootout in the 80’s to the incredible street riding areas that abound throughout the city. With that much history it was only a matter of time before some of the riders decided to throw down roots and take things to the next level.
Well on April 24th it finally happened. Well known flatland pros and respected BMX industry insiders Rodney Morweiser and Mike Wilson with backing from the founder of Animal Bikes, Ralph Sinisi have opened Grove Street Bicycles in that historic city. Opening day was insane with the store packed wall to wall with excited customers looking to see the newest shop in North Eastern NJ. Free food, giveaways of Grove Street swag and the latest issue of Wierd NJ was on tap for the bicycle crazed masses as well. BMXNJ along with Inopia founder George Hoernig cruised up to check out the shop on it’s inaugural day. Heading into the shop, located only 5 blocks from the waterfront, the vibe was off the wall. Repairs were flowing in, parts were flying off the shelves, people were trying on new shoes and clothes, it was apparent this was the new “it” location for bikes in the area. Mike was busy working with the customers and the other shop employees were milling about taking care of business. Luckily co-owner Rodney was able to sneak away to give us the nickel tour of JC’s new bike wonderland. Brands like Masi, Specialized, We The People, Fit and of course Animal were all over the store. A huge plasma TV adorned the center of the wall and was playing classic BMX vids. Gotta go while in the shop? A nicer bathroom than most peoples homes is located in the back. Downstairs is a repair area that is the size of the entire shop upstairs which was jammed full of bikes getting ready to be worked on. That just goes to show you how the reputation of these guys has gotten around, and that rep is top notch. This shop and it’s staff are set to change the perception of the bicycling community in Jersey City. George and I spent the next couple hours b.s.ing about the old days of BMX in NJ with the guys after the doors were locked for the evening. During the conversation it became apparent that a new
day was dawning for not only BMX in the state but cycling itself. From a personal point of view it was really amazing to see guys that I knew as young kids back in the day now representing bikes with their own business today. BMXNJ wishes the crew of Grove Street Bicycles the best of luck and is looking forward to many years of good things coming out of JC in the future with these men. Check out their website here (Soon to be updated) and check out these shots from opening day as well as these pics of Rod and Mike from many years ago.