So…I had an idea brewing in my head since last year to do some kind of video where I show what it is like to get up in the morning, go to work and still be a BMXer…at my age. (46) Now yea, there are guys heavily in the industry who are if not my age, they are pretty damn near it and shred pretty hard. Ron W, Dennis, Moliterno, etc. To me though these guys are day in, day out BMXers, they sorta don’t represent the average everyday dude who grew up riding, still rides when they can and works “outside the industry”. (No disrespect to anyone, just that statistically there’s more of us on the outside than on the inside at our age.) So I decided to patch together this little edit of getting up, going to work, thinking about yesteryear and showing a little of what an average 46 year old BMXer gets up to.
For those who may be into nonsense that went into my mind while making this here’s some factoids.
The love hate gloves are meant to symbolize our connection to BMX, where it can have you feeling like “the man” one second and wanting to just toss that bike across a parking lot the next.
The sorta green matrixy tint to the going to work part is meant to give that feel, as though after all those years of BMXin’, going to work feels like, “going into the matrix”.
The smudge on the 80’s BMX is…a smudge, my bro’s girl didn’t check the lens before she filmed so…but I did tint the footage to make it look more worn.
For the RL reference go check the second issue of the classic Wizard Publications Magazine, Freestylin’, R.L.’s interview is in there.
..and yes, there’s chickens in my yard, so jumping chickens is sorta like don’t take it all too serious.
Minor factoids- The jump box is in the front yard of our house, my girl Christine is there in the end as we take the dogs for a walk into the sunset.
34 years riding BMX, I wouldn’t have had it any other way.