Gonna have to apologize for the background noise on this vid. The day we were up there Grove Street had some pretty heavy duty stuff going on in their shop and some tech was in their drilling and….gettin’ ‘er done. Barring that though Rodney came through with a lot….a LOT of stuff on Grove Street, his past, the future and his thoughts on bikes and BMX. Rod is a great guy who can talk your ears off about bikes. If you are ever in the Jersey City area be sure to head up and check out their shop. Here’s the web address Grove Street Bicycles. This is part 1, about 20 minutes, stay tuned for part 2 where we get to see the Rodster ride at the end. (Oh and it’s two parts.)
Here’s part deuce of Rod’s interview. Bunch of stuff about flatland and the old days here. The man knows his stuff and if I ever could think of someone to filibuster a meeting to get bike stuff done…it would be Rod, the man can speak on bikes for days! If you are ever in the Jersey City area be sure to head up and check out their shop. Here’s the web address Grove Street Bicycles. Watch the vid, then go ride and feel secure in knowing that you have learned more in your NJ BMX History class, LOL!