Back in the days before the ‘net, riders kept up on each other’s scenes by xeroxing small magazines called ‘zines. You’d go to contests and everyone and their brother had some literature they were hawking for a buck or just giving away to tell people about what they were up to. NJ was no different. We had tons of them from 8 Daze, to Asphalt Action, Whiplash and even yours truly put one down with his buds for awhile called Power Surge. (It had to do with my AC/DC rock band fascination…) Over the coming months I’m going to post up some of these in jpg and pdf form to give the OS guys a walk down memory lane and to show the new schoolers that yes, we did have to ride our bikes up hills, both ways, with square wheels in the snow to have any fun.
Anyway here is the first one I’m tossing out there, the February 1988 issue of Power Surge. Laughter is necessary for the bad quality of this…