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i can vouge for why some are reluctant to speak their mind at these meetings. even at a small track meeting if you speak your mind or ask a simple question you risk getting screamed and cursed at and belittled and quite frankly its embarrassing and shows a total lack of respect. adults acting like this…boy its surely not a selling point for recruiting new volunteers…unless you dont want anyone new, maybe thats the way to keep ppl at arms length??

who in their right mind would want to open their mouth after this? personally i had this happen to me not once twice and for whateaver reason some ppl think this is totally acceptable adult behavior.. i brought this up to someone recently and it was blown off like its no big deal.

if it was in a reg business meeting someone would have been dismissed.

something has to be done. i dont know what exactly that is but a code of conduct for everyone ( including track officials) may be a good starting point.