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1. 3 state 5 locals

2. duh

3. duh m-fing squared, I’ve been fighting this since day one. I guess it’s time to pop this zit as well.

4. I’d do it even though I sound wierd, but I can’t be everywhere….this is a tough one, lotta chatty people on here but put them in front of a crowd or a mic..

I will make a proposal for all the above for the next state meeting.. well except the announcer thing, lol, but we need to NOT BACK DOWN when people start to throw out crazy reasons that things are fine as they are.

The racing part of BMX in NJ has absolutely nothing to lose by trying things that are new, radical or really different than what they have done in the past….strike that, their past, many of our pasts go back much farther so we remember a time when many of the things we talk about were actually implemented….

except for the announcer thing…

keep going on Rich, I’m taking all this down.