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When I was a young lad my mum and dad would watch what I did, they pointed me in the right direction but allowed me to follow my path. That is all any of us can do.
That is the purpose of this site, point the way, but follow your own path.
I was at a point about 5 minutes ago to just take the whole site down and reveal a whole bunch of things that need to be known but I am holding on to for purposes that will actually do some GOOD.
Relax, everyone.

When a person calls me a fool and a do nothing.
I simply state who I am and what I have done and move on.

I know who I am and am comfortable with that.

The web is a place of words, the world is a place of action.

The time for words here is over, the time for action is now.

And to any members of the board who are watching these threads,
I have this to say.

Conflict is life, as is change.
BMX is both and it will be difficult to stop what we have begun.
If you all would like a “kids” only BMX site then one of you must do that.
In fact, I will give you the webspace to do it and not only that but I will do this,
Teach the person who wants to do it, how to build a website.
Free of charge.
I stand behind my words.
My parents taught me that.