Homepage Forums Riders Committee Forum by-laws Reply To: by-laws


Ok I may have needed to start a new thread for this but this title fits so here goes.
1. Bylaws need to be reviewed be a lawyer, so as not to have any legal conflicts that get the association sued, this may be where Filipone gets his point of view, but his point about shops getting sued is moot, he should worry that the morons running the show didn’t get the whole bunch sued and the tracks shut down. So who reviewed this work of wonder?

2. Acording to the bylaws they CAN be ammended, but the submission should be in writing, and must be voted on by 2/3 vote. However the next dilema will betrying to figure out who was legally installed?

3. Once all of this is pointed out as wellas a few other things that have gone awry, you guys will need to have a replacement for EVERY position on that board, as I see some unhappy campers

4. ATTENDANCE is MANDATORY for all of US, anything these people want, NO problem, but anything we come up with is put off, NO MORE!!!

We all have an idea how things should be done, are we always, probably not, however, when we see the train coming down the tracks, we know when to get out of the way. PICK a DATE for a pre meeting for us, again MANDATORY