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So we roll into this shop on the outskirts of Washington DC for our last show before we head back to homebase in NJ, which by the way at that last stop in NJ would lead to meeting a couple of guys who had unbridled enthusiasm for BMX and would help keep things alive in the dead years…
Anyway, me and I believe it was Brandon are in the shop talking to the owner when we hear a loud ARGH HHHHHHHHH come from the parking lot…well it seems Jeff Air Mayer had just tweaked his ankle attempting a 540 practicing for the show. Freak out time as we now had NO ramp rider for that shop and had to chill on the price of the show… I was bummed that Jeff was hurt but pissed at him at the same time…dang it! Couldn’t ya wait till we got back to NJ and got Roger Sullivan back on the tip…Just kidding…Anyway we plodded through our two shows and packed up for the at that time short 4 hour ride to NJ.
I got to sleep in my own bed for the first time in 2 months and awaited the next day’s show in nearby South Plainfield NJ at the new TC Cycles Bike Shop, a name that would become infamous on the NJ scene in the coming 4 years…