Mention BMX contest announcer in the area over the Driscoll bridge and one name comes to mind. Aaron Graff. Normally you only see Aaron in the pages of BMX szine or the webfiles of BMXNJ.com holding onto a microphone calling out the latest tricks, calming riders down after judging disputes and generally working the crowd into a frenzy of BMX craziness. What a lot of people don’t know is that Aaron has been around the scene for a long time, is a family man as well and is respected not only for his abilities on the mic but his skills on the BMX as well. I first met Aaron a few years ago when George Hoernig asked me to help out at some demos he had lined up. It was at those demos that I met Aaron and was pretty stoked to see another middle aged BMX ripper out there repping us older guys on the scene. Since then I’ve seen him help out at countless comps from Perth Amboy to Hackettstown and all the time he kept a smile on his face. (comps can be stressing, so keeping a smile is a wonderful thing, lol!) We got a chance to get Aaron on his bike during his “off the mic” time and get a little of him shredding his home park of Shields in Flemington. Check out the footage below. Oh, and for those of you wondering, why is this guy such a comedian on the mic? Keep an eye out for A-Graff on the 16″ shred machine. We’ll catch up with Aaron later in the year for a full rundown on his history in the BMX scene near the north central NJ area. Check him out this weekend at Hippie Steve’s Jump For Joy in Hackettstown, NJ.