Face it, if you missed out on Summerslam 7 and say you are part of the East Coast Old School BMX crew…you suck….so… I suck! LOL! Luckily Luis Garcia was in the land of the Slam and got tons of pics and video of the days shenanigans. Seems crazy to think that 7 years have gone by since Brian first put on an OS BMX BBQ at his pad but, yea, he’s heading into the long part of a decade of acknowledging the greatness of BMX’s history. Check out Luis’s shots here and after the jump as well as in this gallery right char… Luis Garcia Summerslam 7 . He’s also got some vid of the bands that were throwin’ down that day as well.
The Old School man, know your roots, if you’re lucky someday you’ll be Old School as well.