The Old School. For the past several years the OS scene has really become a big thing in the NJ-Philly area. Brian P’s Summerslan, Brian B’s Fall Bash, The Philly OS Rides, Serge’s Jersey City Jams…the scene has really taken on a life of it’s own.
This past weekend it put another notch in it’s belt with the arrival of the 1st Annual Philly OS BMX BBQ. Located not to far from the historic Penns Landing area, Greg “G” Provost put together an event for everyone to come out, chill, talk BMX and most importantly show off the history of the most important sport on the planet, BMX.
Rolling into the show area it was apparent this was gonna be a big thang. Tons of guys there with bikes from the earliest days up to mid school jammies. I even got to see a Mr. Stix frame. The original NJ bike company made by the Scruggs waaaay back in the day. RPM was there with some of the trickest OS Haro’s I’ve seen since they were on showroom floors.
The day had awesome weather, great people, good food and much BMX b.s.ing. Got to see original NJ BMX magazine cover man, Jarrett Justice and his son. Always great to reminisce about the early days of BMX. Jimmy Mac from Bulldog Bikes was there repping his crew. Jimmy is an old school dude who has taken all of his passion and knowledge for BMX and that crazy South Jersey drive to create a great new school company with tons of soul.
I also got to meet a few great guys with lots of BMX soul, like Serge, Mike, Carlos…tons of great stories and a shared passion for the BMX. You could tell from all the smiles on everyone’s face that all these now middle aged BMXers were having fun with something they really cared about.
Impromptu flatland jams, bunnyhop contests and test rides abounded all during the afternoon.
Eventually the day wore down and G’s judges got to work. Jon, Brian and several other OS BMX connoisseurs walked about the Sargasso of OS bikes collected there and came up with the winners in several categories. What follows is a few of them, and you’re gonna have to excuse me as these are the nicknames they have on BMXMuseum.com. Actually sorta cool makes ’em out to be sort of superheroes who can’t reveal their secret identities for fear people would find out about their OS BMX stash… 😉 Anyways, here it goes, Profilerider took home the plate for 1970’s BMX with his AMF Avenger. This bike screamed typical 70’s BMX bike you snagged at the local department store. The ride was in perfect condition and looked amazing. OS Freestyle plate got placed on old-gt-bmx for his 1984 unstamped GT Pro Performer. During the early days of BMX the Pro Performer was THE bike to have next to the HARO’s, with names like Eddie Fiola and Martin Aparijo shredding on ’em they had to be. afalcs27 caught the plate for OS Race with a1 985 VDC Changa Long. Very slick ride, it really is wild to see just how many BMX bikes were full chrome back then. Mike from Powers Bike Shop snagged Most Realistic with a 1984 USA Made Hutch Trickstar all decked out in purple. The ride looked like it had just come in from a mid 80’s flatland session.
Greg also had a huge raffle during the day giving away tons of stuff from sponsors, BMXMuseum.com, Porkchops BMX, S&M Fit, Chip-n-Dales Bike Shop, Powers Bike Shop, Bulldog Bikes, Hutch BMX, THE Industries, C4 Labs, OldGuysWhoRide.com, Ultrahive, Crit Plate, Key Pizza, Liberty Steaks, AME, Animal., Standard, Hutch, King of Jeans and Mike’s Bikes. Lots of peeps went away with someone to remember the day with. Props to all the companies giving out product and cutting into the bottom line for the OS crowd.
The final award of the day was for the crowd to decide. All the judges’ best bikes were lined up and everyone was asked to vote on their fave with the biggest vote getter receiving a special colored commemorative BBQ plate from Mike at Crit Plates. People milled about the OS glory and after the votes were tallied it was Matt’s (Chromey) GJS that stole the masses hearts. (I was into the killer Mr. Stix Wedge complete that was there…but I’m a Jersey Nerd so….)
The assembled BMX masses began to disperse after that and the BBQ wound down, later that evening a ride was going down in Philly but the BMXNJ crew had other plans for the night. We packed up the tent, said our goodbyes and did the fare thee well Hiawatha into the sunset.
The whole BBQ thing was a great time and plans are being made for another one on July 3rd at Waterfront Park in Camden. If it is anything as fun as this one was, you’re gonna want to be there!
Thanks to Greg and his whole crew for the good times! Viva la BMX baby!!