Here it is. The beginning of what I hope will eventually be something that all of us older BMX guys in NJ can have some fun with. A web show about our lives and what we do. I know the thing has WAY too much of me in it right now, but as time goes on and I get interviews, people to sit on the couch, clips, stories, and all the rest, the true stars of the show will emerge. Those stars will be the men, women, moms and dads who made BMX what it is in NJ. We’re going to celebrate BMX, it’s past and present in this area, the only way we know how as BMXers, with a little attitude and comedy.
Big thanks to Dave Dechert, Christine Blake and Deirdre Verdolino for getting the idea cooking in my head and for helping get this thing filmed. I should also mention that just because we are NJ based it does not mean people outside NJ can’t be on. East PA is welcome, and of course friends and buds of all the riders in the area, no matter where they are from. If you traveled through NJ, well dang it, you are NJ, LOL….you never can shake that northern Turnpike smell off ya….lol! Here we go…