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    I think it might be a prudent time to begin to attend council meetings and inquire about places to put BMX tracks. I would like to hear from people below who are doing so.

    If you post any dumb (or I preceive them as dumb) comments or unrelated comments below that are not going to help in the effort of getting some new tracks going then they will be deleted.

    Yes, DELETED. I am guessing this will be a very short thread.


    Prior to attending any of these meetings, it is always good to try to get one or two people on what ever board that are receptive. That is what we have done with the thing we have been working up here. However, locate a peice of land prior that doesn’t have anything that could slow the process down(IE wet lands encroachment) while that can be overcome, if you don not know how to handle it, you will be bogged down forever. Bottom liner research the property, and the people involved to see if the idea will entertained.


    i have tried over the past few months to get deptford back– but they have no interest in having a track again. been trying to get freindlly with some of the people i see there though that seem to be in good with them.

    i never posted about it because i didn’t wanna raise any false hopes.


    I am working to get someone re-elected to our council who is very pro-kids and open to ideas.

    We are active in our church, my wife teaches in our district, and I have now met some of the little league/football dads who have leared how to navigate the waters. Its all about support.

    We’ll keep ya posted.

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