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yep and in the 80’s there was a billion kids who raced.. now street riding is taking over.. street riding is free, racing is costly

i agree and i don’t. part of the reason racing is on a decline is due to the lack of tracks. i live in deptford. at this point, the closest track is an hour in any direction. come on down and ask some parents where there is a bmx track. then ask some kids that ride. no one will be able to give you an answer. ask them where th nearest soccer, football, or baseball field is….. they will all answer you with two or three locations.

bmx racing is in a state of unawareness, because tracks are so few and far between. most people don’t know what or where it is.

then when you talk to parents that like the idea of bmx racing, they say “all the way in egg harbor(howell, flemington, trilogy)?!?!?!? we’ll stick with baseball, that’s right around the corner”

yes racing is expensive, but so is everything else these kids are doing.. forget us, it isn’t about us anymore. you think that a kid that gets a membership and races only locals will spend more than the kid with the Wii and all the games that come with it? not to mention that you can almost hear the kids with the ps3 getting fatter as we type.