These guys have been all over the web lately but try as I might, I haven’t seen a good bold faced link to their website. So here it is:  . These guys have been blowing up the central NJ area lately and are getting flow from places like GT and Cult. Gary Nilsson, Nick Seabasty, Mikey Almodovar (Smallfry), Mike Kleissler and Billy Kobovitch. (yes, haha, we were calling him “Bowlavitch” at JFJ…for reasons that shall remain undisclosed) It’s amazing to see such an awesome scene that has blown up in the area that I grew up in. Scope out one of their edits below, check the rest of them on their blog site and look for more of these guys in BMXNJ Magazine and brokenspokes BMX as the year goes on. Who has a better scene than NJ, huh, come on, WHO, WHO? Answer the question! AHHHHHHH! I better go take my pills… LOL. Ride on.