Unfortunately I can’t really say too much about this gent other than, he was a South Jersey Local transplanted to Fla. But really though, is there anything more that needs to be said? Gary and his bud Ricky Bates of Banned BMX fame tragically lost their lives driving home from interbike somewhere in Arizona. An accident that any of us who have done the tour or cross country track can relate to. While attempting to pass a slower moving vehicle they unfortunately went head on into a vehicle in the oncoming lane. Not more than a few times I myself have had to do the single lane pass, even more harily with a 20′ trailer ramp, and skimmed through ok. Truly a sad time to lose people so into what we are into. The Piney BMX guys have a little of him ripping up NJ on their DVD which they have been good enough to put online. Check it below. RIP Brother, BMX Unites Us All.