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Yes Brett – I pay for that banner ad on HC as part of my “gold sponsorship” package. I am allowed to hang signs at HC on race days (gotta get some made) and Matt always talks me up very well at the locals.

I only asked if this is a fight worth worrying about because I did not know all the facts. Your right, why is it SOOOO important to Jeff that they are called a “sponsor”? Maybe its so that company can say they are “discounting” their services and deducting the rest as a “charitable deduction” for “sponsoring” a tax exempt organization????? Just thinking out loud here.

So, another “paid” position for an all-volunteer organization, huh? If done correctly, Jeff could issue/get a receipt for “services rendered” to/from NJ BMX and deduct it on his taxes. As long as he could prove the services were rendered (in case of an audit), its totally legit.