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BITD Wooden Wheels donated 20 CW bikes and Dyno helmets to the YMCA in center city Wilmington. They would bring two big vans down to the track on Wednesday nights. One full of kids and the other full of bikes. I would go out Wednesdays and help the kids with learning to ride (some couldn’t even ride a bike on the street when we started). These kids were all “high risk” but really took to the riding.

The next progression is to get BMX racing into the schools. We did this in my school with LaCrosse. We started our own club and two years later it was a fully sponsored school sport. Now look at LaCrosse today. It is in a lot of High Schools and College.

Look at all the other school sports that are triving. (Soccor, Baseball, Football, Basketball) They all have a feeder program from the pee wee and little leagues. In turn this gives the pee wee/little league players somewhere to progress to. High School athletics, then on to College.