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    check this out see what you think


    Great, they’ll see that, come to the local tracks, and see disarray. Won’t help us till the house is in order


    That was cool…but Bill’s right…we should probably just pack it in and go home πŸ˜₯


    you people better get your shi* together and drop the pi** poor attitude…that includes all you older riders!!!!I MEAN IT.

    i agree with loren this neg attitude is certainly contagious and not condusive to growing the sport…

    now i want to see happy and positive and flowers all over the friggin place from today on or else!!!

    who you agree with or disagree with dosnt matter its what message you convey thats impt… (you all are sending the msg that bmx is dying so go get your soccer ball)

    (moms are allowed to yell this early in the morning)


    I’m full of upbeat positive energy, but it’s where to focus it to do the most good that had created confusion in my mind.
    But I now function with the clarity of reaching a state of nirvana like peace.

    oh and the uci can kiss my….
    and they can take their 150 license and…


    Not contagious, but apparent that something is wrong. When you havee someone tell you that you can have $5000, all you need to do is provide ONE piece of paper, and it isn’t done, who is the worst thing to come along, why not take the money. Ok so lets go to having 10 motos its cool, people are going to the tracks that do PROMOTIONS, look at Pottstown, I have heard about the different things he has done.


    i wish i could be at the meeting this sat but its a no go… i didnt mean to scream at you guys but brett youknow what i am talkingabout. ( nervana?? what are you smoking anyway?? lol)

    anyway…can the person who has all the info and knowlege on the foundation donation go to the meeting to clarify what is needed? how about someone who is going to call the pres or treasurer of njbmx and see what they found out that they need( before the meeting) so whoever is the expert that is going can just bring it?

    our school booster meetings usually they usually have an issue that needs further explaination..one of the coaches or parent team liasons gets that info by the next meeting then they bring whatever necessary paperwork and submit several copies to the board…then the board reviews it and a vote is taken… seems simple to me… i cant fully comment on what is needed from njbmx for them to give the okeedokie as i wasnt there but i am just offering my observations from our board meetings and how they ask for items that teams need. if its money donated or asking for specific things… we had a bout 4000 donation specifically earmarked for wrestling that was funneled thru the athletic booster club.. they take the money and put in the acct… when the item that is needed to be purchased ( such as a wrestling mat) that money is used 1st then the booster goes to its general acct and uses that next..

    i would think that njbmx would do the same. if a 5000 amt is donated to just say promotion..then when promotion items need to be spent they use that money 1st( earmarked specifically for that) till its gone. there is no money left to claim as profit i would think they would spend it all.

    maybe they think they have to claim as income and show interest earned?? i dont have a clue as i suck at financial things. this is just the way i see the schools run their booster club. they have over 75thousand in their acct…they also have 4-5 cd’s that earn interest…they are non profit also and spend thousands on the sports programs of the hs…if their was something wrong with accepting grants ( they do accept donations for sports scholarships every yr) they would be hesitant.

    i know it has to be frustrating for rich esp he only wants to help out but i hope this dosnt discourage him…

    sorry for the blast but i didnt ahve my coffee..and for the uci i dont agree what they do but it is promotion and any is better than nothing…

    brett they have nothing on your promo vid…dont worry i like yours better!!! get a copy up on utube…yours rocks!!


    Vinny is in touch with Rich.
    So it should be being handled.
    Again for a 501c3 there is no taxes on donations or grants.
    Loren posted that great link on the njbmx.org forum, unfortunately.

    Anyway, all the pieces are in place, they just need to be moved to make it all work.

    Come on Debbie, that’s what’s great about this place…
    we can yell at each other and not take offence.
    It’s called not having a huge ego. —


    ok i am just not used to yelling in public….



    @guinnessextreme wrote:

    That was cool…but Bill’s right…we should probably just pack it in and go home πŸ˜₯

    No we can shoose your option instead, sit around and wait, and wait and wait, or like in your earlier post we can do something (the CART port), unfortunately the powers to be are taking too long on a seemingly simple task. I’m the guy of person that like to get things done and NOW, not wait


    I just wanna race man! All this is just pi$$ing me off! πŸ˜†


    i’m all about upbeat– but sometimes you get disgusted– and you ask yourself “why bother?” like giving flowers to a hooker



    What it is, is we get older and want to help.
    And see things as being easy…
    and, well, you get the idea.


    Which is why I keep saying, maybe it’s time for some of us…
    to do our own thing…


    nice u tube/vid brett …it says somoene from cjbmx posted. ( not me i am not that techy yet)

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